
TheThinker User Guide


Welcome to my user guide !!!

First , TheThinker is a task manager which allows you to add different task. Task includes Deadlines , Events and Todo via CLI .

Second, various editing features like mark , unmarking , deleting task are available.

Third, unique search features include search by date and search by keyword are available.

Finally, a Save feature is also introduced which allows you to save and load task via a file.

Getting Started

1) Make sure you have Java 17 or above installed on your computer.
2) Download the .jar file
3) Open a terminal in the directory which you saved the .jar file, then run the following:

java -jar ip.jar

Initial configuration

After starting the program , you will be prompted on whether you would like to save your tasks to a file. Please continue to read on the differences before deciding.

Do you want to save your tasks to a file? yes / no


If you have input “no” after the prompt , do take note that the task which are created will not be saved anywhere.

Note : All data will be lost upon ending the program


If you have input “yes” after the prompt , the system will check if there exist a “Data” directory which exist relative to your current directory. If not , a “Data” directory will be automatically created.

Loading file now........
Data does not exist. Creating it now.......
Data directory created successfully.

Once the “Data” directory is created , we will check if you have a file named “TaskContents.txt” in the Data directory. If there is not , you would see this prompt. Input the file name which would like to store the data in without .txt extension.

Input file name you want to save data to under the Data directory [filename] without .txt

Once the file is created , you have now successfully configured your program and may now continue to use the commands below

Commands available

Adding deadlines

Add task which has a specific deadline.

Example: deadline return book /by 20/10/2025 1800

Formatting rules :
1) “deadline” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Dates in the form of dd/MM/yyyy HHmm (e.g. 20/10/2025 1800) will be converted to dd/MMM/yyyy H a (e.g. 20 October 2025 , 6 pm) automatically
3) Dates other than dd/MMM/yyyy H a and dd/MM/yyyy format will not be available for the get command

General format : deadline [task] /by [time]

Expected output

Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][ ] return book (by: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm)
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

Add Event

Add task which has a duration.

Example: event travel /from 20/10/2025 1800 /to 20/11/2025 1800

Formatting rules :
1) “event” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Dates in the form of dd/MM/yyyy HHmm (e.g. 20/10/2025 1800) will be converted to dd/MMM/yyyy H a (e.g. 20 October 2025 , 6 pm) automatically
3) Dates other than dd/MMM/yyyy H a and dd/MM/yyyy format will not be available for the get command

General format : event [task] /from [start time] /by [end time]

Expected output

Got it. I've added this task:
    [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Add todo

Add task without deadlines.

Example: todo travel

Formatting rules : 1) “todo” is not Caps-Sensitive.

General format : todo [task]

Expected output

Got it. I've added this task:
    [T][ ] travel
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

Mark and Unmark Task

Mark task as complete and incomplete.

Formatting rules :
1) “mark” / “unmark” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Only one task can be marked per command (i.e. mark 1 2) is not valid

General format : mark [number]

Expected output

Example: mark 1

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][ ] return book (by: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm)
2. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
3. [T][ ] travel
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
  [D][X] return book

Example: unmark 1

OK, I've marked this task as not done yet:
[D][ ] return book


Prints the format for all the commands available

Example: help

Formatting rules :
1) “help” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Help command will be triggered if first word is “help” and ignores remainder of the commands (i.e. help me with command , help 12414) would work.

General format : help

Expected output

Formats for the commands are : 
mark : mark [number]
unmark : unmark [number]
delete : delete [number]
todo : todo [task]
event : event [task] /from [start time] /by [end time]
deadline : deadline [task] /by [time]
get : get [dd/mm/yyyy]
find : find [keyword]


Delete a specific task from the list

Example: delete 1

Formatting rules :
1) “delete” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Deleting a task using a number greater than total of no. of task will not result in any change.

General format : delete [number]

Expected output

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][ ] return book (by: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm)
2. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
3. [T][ ] travel
Noted. I've removed this task:
 [D][ ] return book (by: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.


Get all the task which are of specific date

Example: get 20/10/2025

Formatting rules :
1) “get” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Date specified must be of dd/MM/yyyy format only
3) Dates in dd/MMM/yyyy H a and dd/MM/yyyy format will be compared with and task with same day , month and year will be shown.
4) Multiple dates are not accepted and would result 0 matching cases.

General format : get [dd/MM/yyyy]

Expected output

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
2. [T][ ] travel
3. [T][ ] return book
get 20/10/2025
Here are the tasks in your list in 20/10/2025 :
1. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)


Get all the task which are of specific keyword

Example: find travel

Formatting rules :
1) “find” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Keyword should only be 1 word.
3) Multi-word queries are not accepted and would result 0 matching cases.

General format : find [single word]

Expected output

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
2. [T][ ] travel
3. [T][ ] return book
find travel
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [E][ ] travel (from: 20 October 2025 , 6 pm to: 20 November 2025 , 6 pm)
2. [T][ ] travel


Exits the program

Example: bye

Formatting rules :
1) “bye” is not Caps-Sensitive.
2) Bye command will be triggered if first word is “Bye” and ignores remainder of the commands (i.e. bye me with command , bye 12414) would work.

General format : bye

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

The End

Thank you for using TheThinker. You may check your tasks saved in the file you created during Initial Configuration under ./Data/filename.txt